Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Up date on Consultants Report

Report Hold- Up
Sorry to have to explain why we have not yet published the two reports that we were hoping to be ready by March.
The main problem has been that the reports have proved to be more complex than we first thought and this has resulted simply in the consultants having to take more time to complete the work.
There is also another issue in that four organisations take rather longer to respond than one: So while this is frustrating for all those involved, hopefully it means that everyone is content with the final result and there will be more of a consensus about how to take things forward.
The final reports are now almost complete and we hope to have the executive summaries within the next few days, after that each organisation; the two councils, PCT and Foundation Trust will decide how to receive the reports and then how to take recommendations forward for consideration and action.
We hope to be able to publish the reports in the very near future, either here or on the Derwentside website. There will also be the chance to post any comments you have here on the site if you wish to share your views with others as well as the local council.
In the meantime we hope everyone continues to use Shotley Bridge and support this excellent community hospital.