Shotley Bridge Update 2
Events are gathering pace with the first meeting of the stakeholder group taking place last week, working to set the scene on how the hospital should develop over the coming years.As part of that process there will be a public and patient group who can feed in the community’s view into the work and the Council and PCT will be helping to get that group off the ground over the next few weeks.We have a list of people who attended a meeting earlier in the year
Anyone who wishes to join the group could e-mail the council officer arranging the meetings at:
This is to be a patient and public group so at the moment councillors will be attending on invitation, to speak to the meetings on issues around the hospital.
I'm sure that any of the council's members will be happy to attend should they be asked.I am also told that Dr Gallwey has agreed to attend a future meeting if invited to give the GP perspective on how local services should develop.
Here at the council I know that all of the councillors will want to keep up with what is happening and we will be receiving regular updates from the stakeholder meetings as we will be sending a senior officer to represent the council.
We have just been informed that a staff group is to be formed over the next week or two so any staff members reading this here is your opportunity.
Careline Proposal
One area I am keen to explore here in Derwentside is whether our Careline system might be better situated alongside community nursing staff based at Shotley Bridge Hospital. Careline has done a tremendous job in recent years and while there have been challenges with the merger of control rooms and making budget savings, they have continued to deliver an excellent service.
In addition they have been awarded the Telecare Services Association code of practice accreditation this month which is a major commendation for the service and our thanks to all the workforce for their hard work in achieving this award and I’m sure the staff won’t mind me singling out the manager for a mention in dispatches, well done Bernie!
Now however, we are giving him more work to do in assessing whether relocating to Shotley Bridge could be a positive move for the organisation.We will bring the proposal to Council and the hospital working group as one possible development for Shotley Bridge and see whether our partners share our view that this could be a great opportunity for joint working.
Staying with the health service the Durham Primary Care Trust are holding a series of meetings across the county as part of a Big Conversation to listen to your views on the future of local services and how we can improve people’s health.
This includes two meetings in Derwentside, so whether it’s the hospital or the new Stanley Health Centre which holds your interest, diabetes services or dermatology clinics the PCT is keen to hear your views.It would seem a good opportunity to let the PCT know how we all feel about the hospital and I hope they get a good turn out for the event.
The first meeting is this Friday at the Lamplight Arts Centre in Stanley between 1pm and 3pm.The second meeting will be at St Patrick’s Church Hall in Consett on Wednesday the 5th December between 6pm and 8pm.
Alex Watson